Fiber Club* Meeting September 2024 // Photo by Sydney R. Jordan
Fiber Club* meets (almost) monthly in Detroit. All interested in participating are welcome!
Next Meeting:
Tuesday, April 15, 2025
Spread Art
5141 Rosa Parks Blvd.
Detroit, MI
Show & Tell (sign up!)
Stay tuned to Fiber Club* emails, Instagram, and Substack for announcements about shows, talks, workshops and pop-ups!
Access Info:
Parking is available on the streets surrounding Spread Art at no cost.
Bus stops are located a few blocks away on Rosa Parks and Warren, and on Warren and Trumbull.
Spread Art has been working to be ADA accessible, including recent work to make a bathroom ADA compliant. Main entrances are accessible and do not have steps.
There is a bump between the main entrance and our meeting space. A separate exterior door to the meeting space can be opened and used for direct wheelchair access, as needed.
Your direct donations to Spread Art help with their ADA initiatives.
Brief (approx. 10 minute) warm-up activity to loosen up our bodies, get our creative juices flowing, and/or mix things up. Get in touch if you're interested in leading!
We'll give Fiber Club* news and updates, then open the floor.
Share your announcements about upcoming shows, workshops, shout-outs - or ask for support from the community.
Announcements will be shared with the Fiber Club* mailing list after the meeting.
Sign up in advance to take the floor for about 15 minutes and share your work.
Talk about your process, show your finished art, take questions, ask for feedback or talk your talk. Use the time however you'd most like!
Sign up by emailing to request a spot at an upcoming meeting.

Robin Wilson presents "Bloodline" crocheted quilt progress during Show & Tell. This work would later become a 9' x 18' centerpiece of the Environment + Microclimates group show.

Ralph Nunez leads Fiber Club* in a warm-up activity that included OREOs (January 2024 at MOCAD)

Fiber Club* participants each brought their own section of "net" to mend together as part of the upcoming "Mending the Net" exhibit (August 2023 at MOCAD)

Kayla Powers shared her digital woven work developed at a recent residency in Iceland

Fiber Club* celebrates one year of monthly meetings (October 2023 at MOCAD)
Fiber Club* monthly meeting at MOCAD

Andrew "AndyT" Thompson discusses a participatory flag project as part of his upcoming mid-career retrospective exhibition during Show & Tell
Irene Perez unfurls a large quilt with the help of Leslie Rogers as a quick Show & Tell at Spread Art during a planning session for the 2024 Environment + Microclimates group show

Fiber Club* met at the Convent during its inaugural group show, Mending the Net, in 2023

Heather Macali discussed her weaving work during the monthly meeting at the Convent (September 2023)

Maggie Wiebe at the Fiber Club* meeting while Sally Clegg discussed her work at the Mending the Net show in September 2023

The first Fiber Club* meeting in October 2022! At the Scarab Club in Detroit.