Environment + Microclimates

an immersive art experience showcasing environmental- and
fiber-based art

This exciting collaboration between Sarah Rose Sharp, Lisa Waud, and Fiber Club*, supported by Detroit Design District. Environment + Microclimates was part of Detroit Month of Design, produced by DesignCore Detroit.

Visitor Information


September 6 - 29, 2024
Final Weekend - Extended Hours!


Boyer Campbell Building (map)
Detroit Design District
6540 St. Antoine Street
Detroit, MI 48202


Workshops, demos, performances, craft gatherings and more -
we were thrilled to include a wide variety of free programs as part of our exhibit throughout the month.

Media Coverage

Support Fiber Club*

Environment + Microclimates was made possible by a partnership with Detroit Design District and the support of Arts & Scraps through its Creative Cafe Meetup program, plus immense effort, work, and persistence of co-curators, organizers, and a large number of volunteer artists.

We believe it is critical to share resources with artists. As such, there were no entry fees or participation fees. Additionally, we sought to generate as much visibility for the artists as possible - so the exhibit and its programs are free to attend.

Support of Fiber Club* with a donation allows us to continue to support artists.

photo by Joe Portelli